New lathe with robotic manipulator
Created on Monday, 12 September 2022 17:13
We are installing a new CNC lathe MAZAK QuickTurn 250MSY equipped with a robotic manipulator TA-20. It will produce mainly servomotor flanges, in fully automatic mode.
Created on Tuesday, 06 September 2022 15:26
We are installing a new MAZAK Variaxis i600 CNC 5-axis milling machine into our EROWA Dynamic robotic cell.
Created on Tuesday, 19 July 2022 12:57
Today we install a new 4-axis horizontal milling machine Mazak HCN 6000. The machine has a table with dimensions of 500 x 500 mm, is equipped with 2-pallet changer and a tool magazine with 120 tool positions.
Created on Friday, 01 April 2022 14:07
Today we have installed a second new CNC band saw Pegas-Gonda 400x400 HERKULES X.
Created on Friday, 18 March 2022 23:15
We are currently finishing an order from company OHB Czechspace for the production of mechanical components for the HERA spacecraft. This is the third occasion when our products will "take a look" into space.
Created on Tuesday, 30 November 2021 20:07
Today we have installed a new CNC band saw Pegas-Gonda 400x400 HERKULES X.
Created on Tuesday, 25 May 2021 16:45
The new swiss-made CNC cylindrical O.D. / I.D. grinding machine is being installed in our Říčany site. The new machine will help us with the production of the servomotor rotors & flanges and expand our technological capabilities in the grinding area, as well.