
New lathe with robotic manipulator

We are installing a new CNC lathe MAZAK QuickTurn 250MSY equipped with a robotic manipulator TA-20. It will produce mainly servomotor flanges, in fully automatic mode.

Soustruh QT250MSY  TA-200



New 5-axis milling machine MAZAK

We are installing a new MAZAK Variaxis i600 CNC 5-axis milling machine into our EROWA Dynamic robotic cell.

Variaxisi-600 SmoothX 800-600jp

New 4-axis horizontal milling machine Mazak HCN 6000

Today we install a new 4-axis horizontal milling machine Mazak HCN 6000. The machine has a table with dimensions of 500 x 500 mm, is equipped with 2-pallet changer and a tool magazine with 120 tool positions.




Yet another new CNC band saw in our production!

Today we have installed a second new CNC band saw Pegas-Gonda 400x400 HERKULES X.


pila pegas

To space again!

We are currently finishing an order from company OHB Czechspace for the production of mechanical components for the HERA spacecraft. This is the third occasion when our products will "take a look" into space.





New CNC band saw in our production!

Today we have installed a new CNC band saw Pegas-Gonda 400x400 HERKULES X.


pila pegas

New CNC grinding machine

The new swiss-made CNC cylindrical O.D. / I.D. grinding machine  is being installed in our Říčany site. The new machine will help us with the production of the servomotor rotors & flanges and expand our technological capabilities in the grinding area, as well.


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  • +420 546 427 340